Affiliate Disclosure
While we only recommend products and services that we have personally tested and/or would recommend on their own merit, you should assume that the owner of this website is an affiliate for third party goods and services mentioned on this website. The owner may be compensated when you purchase after clicking on a link. The owner may also have received a review copy for free. Please perform due diligence before purchasing from this or any other website.
Hyperlinks within this site may contain tracked affiliate redirects to various merchants. These allow a merchant to know that we referred any sale that you may decide to make after clicking one of our links. We have provided a list of our most common affiliate partners for reference below.
Affiliate Partners
It is possible that we may work with other companies through third party sites or on social media. Where possible we will typically include an affiliate disclosure notice or use one of the following hashtags.
Affiliate Disclosure Tags
- #Ad
- #Advert
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